Like the name says...
Little help?
Published on September 3, 2010 By thrasymedes In Stardock Support General




I just recently re-downloaded GalCiv 1 (with Altarian Prophecy) onto a new windows 7 machine. It runs fine until a combat comes up, and then the screen appears to freeze. If I press the "windows" key, the combat gets resolved as I drop out onto the desktop, and then when I return to the game I can continue as normal. But it's not really very satisfactory to play this way. Uh, any help or suggestions?



on Sep 03, 2010

sorry - this seems to be in the wrong forum. I tried to put it in the GalCiv forum but obviously I did something wrong - if mods can move it over, much appreciated.

on Oct 22, 2010

In windows 7 64-bit it plays wonderful but in the 32-bit it will just crash-out  just after I have set what I am going to do all these little squares popup around on the screen.